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My Blog — Profile

Name:  Melissa Brennan

Location:  Des Moines, Iowa
Birthday:  8 April, 1982
Bio:  Well, since this blog is about my journey to find my biological family, I suppose that my bio ought to include my birth name, the names of my birth parents (as far as I know them) and any other info about them I can think of. I was born Melissa Jo Good to Frank Good and Carrie Clausen (sp??) in Independence, Iowa in 1982. Through circumstances I have yet to fully understand, my birth parents lost their custodial rights to me and my two sisters sometime in the early 80's. I was adopted when I was in the 2nd grade (I think) by a couple in Albany, Missouri, where I was raised and graduated high school. As far as I can tell, Frank still lives in Buchanen County, though I'm not sure where, and I believe that Carrie moved out of the county at some point in 2001. I briefly spoke to Carrie after the birth of my first child, but wasn't able to obtain much in the way of information about my father. What I have heard, but not confirmed to be true, is that Frank has 6 other children besides myself and my sisters, some younger than me, and others older than my oldest sister (who will be 30 this year). I'm not looking for any kind of real relationship with any of my biological family, though I'm not totally opposed to one. My quest is simply for knowledge. I need family medical histories, among other things, and I really want to hear Franks side of the story. I've heard Carrie's version, and to be honest, I was able to find evidence that she was less than truthful about at least part of it. I'm hoping that some day Frank, or one of his other children, will do a google search of his name, or my birth name, and maybe find this blog. If that is how you found me, please contact me through this page!!
Interests:  Now, about me. I am 27 years old (yikes!) and I have 2 small sons and 1 step daughter. I am currently married for the 2nd time (this time I think it's going to stick, though, this husband is AWESOME!). I live in Iowa, and I attended college at Southwestern Community College in Osceola, Iowa, and Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. Although I did not finish my degree, I have well over 1/2 my credits and probably could apply them to an associates degree, and a job with good benefits (or at least good benefit to society), however I prefer to stay at home with my children for now. My boys are Riley, age 7, and Mason, age 3; and my step-daughter, Katrina, will be 10 in 2 months. My husband Matt is 35 and I am his 3rd wife, apparently 3rd time's a charm, we've already been together longer than he was with either of his first 2 wives! Matt and I are hoping to add to our family soon, and I really need some kind of closure with my biological family before that happens. Mason had severe complications at birth and very nearly died, which was a sort of wake up moment for me. My oldest son, Riley, also had a very serious medical condition at birth which made it impossible to digest food and he nearly starved and dehydrated to death before the doctors (God bless them) discovered what was wrong and performed emergency surgery to save his life. The condition he was born with is hereditary and I have no idea where he got it. It's more common in boys, and no one in my ex husband's family or on Carrie's side of the family had any clue as to where the disease came from. I'm guessing maybe Frank can answer that question.
Blog Created:  Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Last Updated:  Tuesday, 21 April 2009 - 10:37 PM EDT
Blog Entries:  1

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